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Wednesday, January 4, 2017

1910 Fruitgum Company

Kinda crazy band name that has never been adequately explained to me, but this is wonderful bubble-gum pop group from New Jersey. (The one guy still sells pianos at his showroom in the suburbs.) As a few bonus tracks on some recent remasters make clear, despite originally disbanding in 1970s these guys continue to pump it out on the oldies circuit, and I'm OK with that. At least there are some of the original members still involved. Unexpectedly, they put out a Christmas album in 2007! "Simon Says" seems like such a ridiculous idea for a song, but its infectious melody was stuck in my head all day. "Goody Goody Gumdrops" is great too, but I'm a sucker for a songs about candy. Still, the less said about "Indian Giver" the better. It did sell a million copies though.  They don't have much of a discography but a few gold records on the pop charts of the 60s makes them a worthwhile footnote to pop rock history. Surely The Ramones heard this at least once. 

Yet, good for them for not being afraid to STILL play "Indian Giver" 

And here they are lip-syncing on TV in 1968 with their other #1 hit. Way to mine the juvenilia

* Note- they do NOT play "Yummy Yummy Yummy" - that's the Ohio Players. But file them under the same bubble-gum pop rock of the 1960s. 

1 comment:

  1. Only a few slouchy steps from this to bubble core. Would we have the Stuck-Ups without 1910? I say no.
